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Complete Combustion Bender Idea

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Plugin: ProjectKorra Core
Where is the mechanic seen?: Both in Avatar the Last Airbender and Legend of Korra.
Combustion benders focus their chi to the center of their forehead, which in return, makes this area very vulnerable and sensitive to even the slightest of hits. This was displayed in both the avatar series, where if the Combustion bender was hit in the sensitive place of their forehead, they would become almost completely stunned and fall down.

This could call attention to some Minecraft options that I have seen displayed on other servers. I've seen other plugins call attention to a certain part of the player body for some abilities such as gun servers using "head-shots". I would think this would be a interesting add on to the combustion bender class. If hit in the front of the player head, they would become "temporarily stunned", as shown in the show.

This would deactivate the charge up of a combustion bender if hit in the front of the player head, and possibly stun them. This would be a weakness for the Combustion benders due to their blasts being so harmful to those trapped in the explosion.

However, the main jest of this post is that hitting a combustion bender (in the "forehead" with punches/bending abilities) will temporarily stun them and cancel any charge up of the move combustion.

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Verified Member
I honestly could say I would prefer this to a very long cooldown
It makes it much more canon to the series.


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Could you be more clear as to "cool down"? Do you mean the Combustion move cool down, or the stun cool down?
If it is the stun cool down, I don't think a cool down would suit the show at all. Because to stop the combustion bender you need to hit them in the front of the player head, and it is not a move of any element, just a passive for all players, even Combustion VS Combustion. Having a cool down as to punching someone in a certain place would be a bit odd in my opinion, as to hitting them in that place, would be hard on a moving target or from a distance.
As for a cool down for the move combustion, I believe it is fine as is due to seeing Combustion Women using the move many times over and over with very short intervals.
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Verified Member
Combustion currently has a long cooldown in the Korra plugin. It makes no correlation to the actual series to have to wait for the move to be ready :c


Verified Member
Oh so you are suggesting that there should be no cool down for the move?
If so I agree but I still like the charging up period so that it could not be spammed, for the benefit of gameplay.


Verified Member
Definitely, I was hoping it would require a charge up instead of a cool down because when they actually preform the move, they often inhale deeply to get their chi flowing from their stomach to their head to actually cause the beam of heat that is combustion.


Verified Member
Combustion currently has a long cooldown in the Korra plugin. It makes no correlation to the actual series to have to wait for the move to be ready :c
Usually (if you've seen the new episode), it isn't a chargeup, but more of a cooldown. When P'Li was attacking the Air Nomads she only could shoot so often but didn't have to charge it up.


Verified Member
Combustion currently has a long cooldown in the Korra plugin. It makes no correlation to the actual series to have to wait for the move to be ready :c
You do realize, in the config file you can edit the cooldown of Combustion to however many seconds you like. The default is just a 6 second charge time and 1 min wait before you can charge it again I believe.


Verified Member
From what I've seen on the plugin, every firebender can use combustion. Are you saying that even if they aren't using the move, and are hit in the head that they get stunned? What I would consider reasonable is that when they are hit in the head, if they go to use the move within a certain time span(lets say 7 seconds for now) that it either backfires or is weaker.


Verified Member
That would be cool but I think combustion is available to all because they have not released or have not fully finished thinking of how they are adding sub-elements, such as combustion bending.
Love the ideas though!
Zmeduna, I have to disagree, you gave me the urge to go back and watch episode eleven, in which P'Li uses the move many times, I do not think it is a cool down, because as she inhales and prepares the move for launch she is focusing the flow of her chi to that point and then releasing it in a powerful blast. If you watch very closely she does this every time, and does not have to wait to use the move again, instead has to breath and focus her chi as many firebenders do. She used the move repeatedly in maybe small intervals of at most, about ten seconds or maybe a little longer.
If I missed something please tell me and thank you all for the comments!
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