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Fixed Chiblocking Rapidpunch Ghost

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Verified Member
Version: Projectkorra 1.4 maybe a few versions ahead or behind.
Description: rapid punch can at least do damage through end stone, at least if you are beneath the end stone and the opponent is standing on top of it. This might be a conflict with mcmmo, and might have just been lag. Just stating a potential bug.


Verified Member
The default range of rapid punch is 4 so in theory you should be able to rapid punch anyone through a 3 block thick wall.

I just verified this on my server, chi blockers can rapid punch through a stone wall that is 3 blocks thick.

I also just looked at the rapid punch code, there is nothing in the rapid punch code / targeting methods that check to see if the user is punching through air or bedrock. Should probably be a check of all blocks between user and target and the punch should fail if the block is not air.

Untested code but this should be pretty close to a fix for it if added into Methods.java just above the return statement in:
public static Entity getTargetedEntity(Player player, double range,    List<Entity> avoid) {

existing code...
       //dNiym - added to make sure rapid punch / para and other skills that use this function
      //won't work through walls.
       if (target != null && Methods.isObstructed(player.getLocation(), target.getLocation()))
            target = null;

     return target;
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