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Bottle healing

Good idea?

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Verified Member
Ability type: Passive
Element: Water
Description: Allowing a waterbender to take water from a bottle to begin healing an ally. (not themselves)
How it works: shift with healingwaters bound while looking at the target, they will then recieve the effects of normal healing waters.
Default: True
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Verified Member
I would very much enjoy this because it seems, at the moment, healingwaters doesn't have any practical applications.
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Verified Member
yes! this would make healing so much simpler then not being near water, sine you cant heal persons with flowers or other organics :s

OH! just got an idea on this, wouldent it be cool if you bender like a half slab water by first swift click an water source (any water source) and then hold right click to either heal yourself ocr still holding right click and then hold shift to channel the healing to someone else? it woul make it look more like in the series^^

btw awesome idea löve it! :D


Verified Member
^ Those are the best I can think of. unless there's something more watery that I am missing. They work pretty fine as just a temporary dripping effect if you ask me. True in the show 'healing' had a glowy sparkle effect, but Minecraft doesn't have a texture that glows and sparkles blue that I am aware of.
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