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Episode eleven brought helpful and quite a bit of insight in to how elements can block attacks!
As seen when Tenzin was fighting Zaheer and his squad of elite benders, there were many defensive maneuvers against his air bending attacks. Tenzin could make a temporary air sphere around him to block an attack or even split an incoming swipe/stream of air that was thrown at him. This would be a nice addition to the Project Korra Core and give a benefit to most elements. As of now in the plugin, air shield is the only wide spread defensive "blocking" move and frankly, it does not break many attacks, only certain fire bending moves and Minecraft projectiles/entities. I would love to see this move evolve or possibly another move implemented to replicate some of the blocking that air bending could do in the show.
air sphere? This move could create a small, but powerful sphere around the user which would block fire bending attacks, air swipe, and what would you guys think about water manipulation or other attacks? In reality most likely aiming a water manipulation into a strong swirling vortex of air would make it split apart or even spin around on the "walls" of the sphere. This was used also against P'Li but the explosion detonated upon impact of the sphere and rendered the sphere broken.
Tenzin also made quick, but powerful, gusts of air in front of him to break or redirect an attack. This was shown against Zaheer's air streams or swipe. Possibly a simple, quick, move that could block a move fast. This would no be as OP as air sphere due to it having little coverage and only guarding the front of the body. The shield could last possibly one second and activated upon left clicking to let it be easily used to block an attack. Zaheer as could jump on walls and stay on them for a long enough time to then again blast off in the direction he wanted to go, though this is not a blocking type move and could be in another suggestion thread later on. Tenzin also interrupted Zaheers balance as he jumped on top of a platform, but this could relate to air swiping someones air spout to make them fall.

I did say most elements if not all could use some sprucing up on moves that block abilities. As you see a lot of abilities in the plugin block each and others element such as earth blocks/breaks a lot of air bending moves.
As Zuko did many times in the show, fire benders could split large or small blasts of fire by confronting it directly and take no damage what so ever. I have never been fire for a dedicated period but I believe heat control does this, is an animation difference possible however? Such as if a fire bender uses heat control to pass through another fire shield, could a 1x2 or 2x2 hole open up in the particles to signify that they are not just walking through? This could apply to fire blast, charged and regular, too. When using the move when hit or about to be hit it could split the fire blast animation in half and send two fire blasts behind them with them being in the gap. This could apply to a lot of moves of fire against fire but you get the main idea.

For water the first thing that comes to mind is if you could control another torrent if in a certain radius of it. This was mainly displayed when Katara was fighting Hama in the episode "The Puppetmaster". Hama directed a powerful current of water towards Katara and she, in return, stopped the torrent directly and made a wall of water which then she turned into two "water manipulations" if you will. She also redirected Hama's plain streams of water by confronting them almost sideways and spinning them around her and shooting them back. Phase change does not do much except freeze/melt ice that is already there, what if we took this a step further and implemented some features as to blocking. Phasechange could melt ice spikes and turn them into a water block which would then flow to the ground and disappear. Or the reverse to water manipulation but freezing it and letting it fall to the ground and for Minecrafts sake, disappearing.

Earth can already block earth blasts from another earth bender by looking at them and shifting, or just redirect them as if it were a water manipulation. From what I know collapse and raise earth can block almost every earth bending move. If I am not wrong raise earth can block shockwave, collapse can release the grip of earth grab. If this is wrong or you have an idea as to how earth benders could block more attacks please comment!

Chi is a very dull "art" as to graphics in Minecraft. Particles signifying a chi move would be quite strange and it does not control any substance that you can see.

These are ideas that I have thought up after seeing many of the episodes in Legend of Korra, season three, in which displays many different types of defensive moves. While making this I thought of this could make some battles last forever, or impossible to kill someone using some of these blocking moves which is why there should be limitations, cool downs, or requirements regarding the player and or environment for the sake of server game play. Also comment about the sentence before as to what cool downs should be added or what limitations should be enacted for the moves to not be endless or make the player un-killable in a battle.
Thank you so much for reading this suggestion, if you have a comment please post it below! I love to see feedback and ideas as to how something could be changed or added. This is mainly for the Concept Designers to think about and change it to what suits their ideas and how it will affect the server game play.
I ask you not to argue in this thread as to what should or shouldn't be added, all ideas of mine and other comments should be read in a mature manner and responded to accordingly.
Again thank you and make sure to give me feedback!



Verified Member
Cool ideas. I like all of these thoughts, although, I think only some should be added. The one I really would like to see be added is the idea of Air Shield blocking more things. Not all bending moves, but some.


Verified Member
However that is with moves such as air swipe that block earth blast, water manipulation, etc. This would block more than just fire while using air shield or air sphere. As they say, its not all about the flavor but also the presentation.



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However that is with moves such as air swipe that block earth blast, water manipulation, etc. This would block more than just fire while using air shield or air sphere. As they say, its not all about the flavor but also the presentation.

I know, but really powerful moves like torrent shouldn't be blocked. Only the basic, spammable moves need to be blockable.


Verified Member
How about making PhaseChange able to temporarily freeze the Torrents and WaterManipulations from opponents? I can remember a scene from tla in which Katara freezes master Pakku's Torrent, and runs over it. The ice would last for about a second or five, regardless of the user holding shift in case of Torrent. After the ice gets thawed, the move will continue like it would normally, if shift was held. PhaseChange would see more use too.


Verified Member
See, you just need to know the elements. Airswipe blocks each move. Fireshield cancels out any time of fire move, and I believe all elements. Redirection can be easily used against watermanipulations and earthblasts. It all just requires time and skill. Much too often, people just try to design things for shortcuts in bending just to make it easier.


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See, you just need to know the elements. Airswipe blocks each move. Fireshield cancels out any time of fire move, and I believe all elements. Redirection can be easily used against watermanipulations and earthblasts. It all just requires time and skill. Much too often, people just try to design things for shortcuts in bending just to make it easier.
I could not agree more.


Verified Member
How about making PhaseChange able to temporarily freeze the Torrents and WaterManipulations from opponents? I can remember a scene from tla in which Katara freezes master Pakku's Torrent, and runs over it. The ice would last for about a second or five, regardless of the user holding shift in case of Torrent. After the ice gets thawed, the move will continue like it would normally, if shift was held. PhaseChange would see more use too.
I like this idea, i've always wanted to be able to freeze others waterbending. Imagen how cool it would be if you could freeze a spout or incomming torrent stream

It seems quite OP actually. So what if the move requires you to shift and left click, it will remain frozen untill you release shift, and when you release a small cooldown comes? Around 10 seconds maybe
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