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Denied Bending Move Abbreviations

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Verified Member
Pretty simple. Give the moves some abbreviations so instead of having to type
/pk b Fireburst
You could type out
/pk b FBurst

Here would be a list of abbreviations
Fireblast: FBlast
Fireburst: FBurst
Firejet: FJet
FireShield: FShield
Heatcontrol: HControl, HCTRL
WallofFire: FireWall, FWall, WoF

WaterManipulation: WaterManip, WManip
WaterSpout: WSpout
WaterBubble: WBubble
OctopusForm: OctoForm, OForm
IceSpike: ISpike
IceBlast: IBlast
HealingWaters: HWater

Earthblast: EBlast
EarthSmash: ESmash
RaiseEarth: REarth
EarthGrab: EGrab
EarthTunnel: ETunnel
LavaFlow: LFlow
EarthArmor: EArmor
Shockwave: SWave

Airblast: ABlast
AirSuction: ASuction
AirSpout: ASpout
AirShield: AShield
AirBubble: ABubble
AirScooter: AScooter
AirSwipe: ASwipe


Verified Member
This could get tricky to due many variations and custom abilities.

If many of us can have conversations or arguments with other players, then I'm pretty sure you can type a tiny little phrase.
Also, this would take time and effort for just a minor thing you can simply do by just typing it out when developers can be
focusing on more of the major points.

Though, I love the simplicity and details to this suggestion. I wouldn't mind either way. Not trying to hate <3


Verified Member
I agree that there needs to be some faster way of binding, but I don't think it's this. Like Hero said, tabbing would be a better way.
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