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In the comic books, Azula at one point was able to make a ball of lightning and zap everyone near it. I am suggesting that we make move called BallOfLightning. The difference between this and regular lightning is:
The user would hold shift for half the time of lightning (Half the damage though) and could do 2 things.
- This will not be redirectable. People can go to lightning/balloflightning to absorb the damage and charge whatever move they used.
- This will do less damage, but can rapidly zap a group. (Less damage - More strikes).
- It cant cause paralysis. Because it will zap everyone multiple times, that wouldn't be very fair if they cant move.
- It can travel in water, but not as far and will do less damage.
The user would hold shift for half the time of lightning (Half the damage though) and could do 2 things.
- Release shift and do an overhead lightning ball.
- Left click at an area and a ball of lightning will spawn there. (Can only reach as far as a waterbender shifting for watermanip.)