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AvatarCombo: ElectroClips

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Name: Electroclips
Elements: lightning/metal
How used: [shift] (metalclips) > [l-click] (lightning) > use metalclips normally
Description: so this would be metalclips basically but with one difference - shock power. What this does is adds shock damage to regular metalclips (not when 4th clip is applied) that does .5 damage every 2 - 3 seconds that the victim is trapped. Additionally, when a player runs by, the shock damage has a certain chance to jump to the unsuspecting victim and deal 1 heart of damage and has a chance of causing paralysis.

When the player uses this, I think of them floating the metal with one hand, and then shocking it with the other so that they don't get electrocuted in the process.

Thanks for reading! Post suggestions!
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Verified Member
<3 I'm loving your usage of lightning yet again xD Would it be possible to shoot lightning at them if you were sneaking on clips? So I wanna drag a player to to me and deal them a small shock of electricity. We all know that if the bender charges his lightning is stronger, I only wanna deal a small charge here


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That would be good, pulling them closer and dealing a small amount of damage. How would you do it though?


Verified Member
A nice suggestion, but I don't know. I feel like MetalClips is one of those abilities that deserves its own exclusiveness. The behaviour of MetalClips is rather distinct and I have qualms about mixing it with other attributes, although, I will just say that's a personal thing. This ability could work though, so good job on bringing it to the community's attention.
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