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AirScooter new mechanic

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Verified Member
Feature: When holding shift while the airscooter is in use, it should lock the player in place. (S)he will be locked when the player has moved 1 block after shifting. If the player releases shift, he will then continue moving with the scooter without reseting the maxium traveled distance. When spacing (while shifting to keep the stoppage) the player can lift (him/her)self in the air. (S)he can ascend up to maximium 5 blocks. This Mechanisim will work for 10 seconds, so when after that, the ability goes to cooldown

Canon: Seen in the ATLA "The Chase" episode, where aang creates his airscooter that keeps him 2 storie tall building high up, whichs keeps him in place. It also stopped sustaining itself after its duration came to the end, as seen when it began to shrink.
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