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AirBubble Addition

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Verified Member
Name: AirBubble Addition: Fluidical Orb ( Changable )

Move Type: AirBubble Addition

Duration: Flows until: Comes in contact with an abrupt surface, reaches sea level, or extends past the maximum distance of 15 blocks ( Changable ).

Damage: None ( ? )


As conducted by young avatar Aang in the Avatar: The Last AirBender series, an airbender is able to, essentially, "blow" their current airbubble allowing it to propel forwards until reaching contact with a surface.
The player would enable airbubble underwater, hold shift and left click in the desired located to, basically, drive their current existing airbubble forward. If any entity comes in contact with the propelling bubble, they would be directed towards the center and pushed until the bubble conflicts with one of the duration aspects. After the launch of the sphere of air, the airbenders oxygen meter will decrease to 3 "bubbles" left.


Should this move do small damage upon contact with player or mob entities? Should the airbender be able to contain himself in the bubble? Would the existing airbubbles after launching the 'bubble' be set to zero, due to the bender releases most of his air into the propelling sphere of air?

References or Sources:

(Ignore the image to the right of the screen)

As always I would love to receive feedback, particularly around the questionable aspects of the move. While this move is not entirely canon, it was displayed roughly in the show, but not as an attack move.
This is one of the first posts I have made that is extending boundaries a little so constructive criticism is highly thanked of!

Feedback is always appreciated, thank you!

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