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Denied Airbending Rework

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Verified Member
1. Airswipe, like totally, needs more range. It should also be turned on it's side or diagonally or right side up every once in a while to represent the airbender swiping downwards or upwards at different angles.

2. Although airbending is the fastest element, out of all of the elements, airbenders were never shown to use more then one technique at a time, and that includes airspouting and airswiping, simply because moving in those two ways may have been like looking left and right at the same time. To balance this out, the speed of airspout should be increased.

3. Airshield should be reworked like I said in this post, http://projectkorra.com/forum/threads/airshield-rework.2166/


Verified Member
There doesn't seem to be much need for change in its current state, but we'll give ya a call when we get there.
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