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A question about adding ProjectKorra(Core) to my server

Hey guys, mynameiswilliamg here, we have a server, and have kept it up for a month or so. We have a nice small community, minigames, and factions. But our server is hungry and now we want to add this plugin to our server! But I have come here to ask this: Is it possible to negate this plugin perworld or just making it so the avatar plugin is enabled only in a certain world (aka multiworld support). If this is not possible to do within the config, what other options do I have? Can you help? Thanks! If you would like to join just pm me, put I don't know if it would be right to post my server ip here ;)
Thanks! That really helps! By any chance does anyone know how to configure it? I'm not an expert with Bukkit config :p Thanks again for helping :)