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Bug Report A bug in Project Korra v1.6.0 BETA 1 Spigot 1.8


Verified Member
I found a bug in the new Project Korra v1.6.0 BETA 1 and im using Spigot 1.8. The bug is happening with ALL of the moves in the plugin that actually do damage (Airswipe, suffocate, suffocate2, torrent, watermanipulation, icespike, iceblast, earthblast, earthshard, earthsmash, metal fragments, shockwave, combustion, discharge, and fireblast). Everytime I try to attack a mob or a player with a any one of these moves, they don't do any damage at all. Fireblast wont even burn the player/mob and combustion doesn't explode. What should be happening is that these moves should be doing direct damage to the player/mob but none of the moves listed above are doing it so I had to switch back to Project Korra v1.5.0. Please try to fix this bug as soon as possible because I really want to see the cool stuff from BETAs of v1.6.0.


Staff member
Plugin Developer
Verified Member
I'm unable to reproduce this, do you have any other plugins that could be affecting this?