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Search results

  1. F

    Better animation for EarthBlast

    Water's a block...
  2. F

    Better animation for EarthBlast

    Something more... smooth. If you have EarthLine, you can see how when you use it, the blocks look so fluid. I'm not sure if this is really hard to do though. EarthBlast as it is now seems all... blocky, and when you use it, the block's animation is sort of like a block being broken, and placed...
  3. F

    Better animation for EarthBlast

    Hello, I think that EarthBlast should have a better animation. If you look at EarthLine, you can see how smooth that looks. I think you guys should remake EarthBlast so it's animation is better.
  4. F

    Move a blob of water from one place to another

    Sort of, but you'd be able to move more than one source block, you could use plants and you wouldn't need to craft a bucket
  5. F

    Move a blob of water from one place to another

    Yes, but you'd be able to move it to different locations
  6. F

    Move a blob of water from one place to another

    Hi, I was thinking there should be an ability where you can click a water source and create a blob of water like Surge's ability, but the water should stay in that location. There's no real way to manipulate water, and move it somewhere else. I think this ability should be for earth too. Edit...