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  1. Agsgm10

    What's up :D

    What's up :D
  2. Agsgm10

    4/1/16 ~ Community Update

    Air bending needing a source..... Hmm that'll be tough.
  3. Agsgm10

    Hello DonutDaddy

    Hello DonutDaddy
  4. Agsgm10

    2/22/16 ~ Community Update

    We already have Paris
  5. Agsgm10

    First Look at Spirits (literally!)

    @Easte "Spirit Portals"
  6. Agsgm10

    Probending arena ideas or how to

    On the server I'm a moderator on, we're using ProCore moves for ProBending. ProCore moves don't use up resource blocks like sandstone and water. We just covered the water pools with carpet.
  7. Agsgm10

    Suggestion SpiritCalming

    Pretty sure this used to be a thing that worked on some mobs like spiders. But I can't seem to find the move in the Project Korra or JedCore configs so I guess it's not a move anymore o_O.
  8. Agsgm10

    Tips On Making Suggetions

    Yes! Thank you. Very good.
  9. Agsgm10

    [Deleted] ProCore

    I honestly don't know if this is the place to put this but I just have a little suggestion. Do you think you could make the water moves bottlebendable? That would be awesome thanks :)!
  10. Agsgm10

    8 AM?! That's like the middle of the night.

    8 AM?! That's like the middle of the night.
  11. Agsgm10

    Looking Into Betting

    I've been personally thinking about this idea for a while. It seems like it would be a great add on to the whole ProBending plugin.