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  1. M


    Thank you so much! ♡
  2. M


    Hello, I'm not sure if this is the right place to post this, but the forums page for bugs won't allow me to post any threads. Anyways, I'd like to know if there's any way to change Airbender's particles. In the config this is how I've set it: " Air: CanBendWithWeapons: false...
  3. M

    Fixed Bugs... T_T

    So, I am using the Version 1.6.0 Beta 19 (and yes I've tested the current problem with 1.6.0 too). - EarthTunnel: Does not work at all, nothing happens when you shift. ( http://pastebin.com/pvgndVi1 ) - PhaseChange: Changing Ice to water does not work - Tornado: Nothing happens when you hold...
  4. M

    Fixed RPG NOT DETECTED spam.

    Hello, So everytime someone on my server uses either WaterCombos or Torrent (Ice) the chat is spammed (RPG NOT DETECTED). I disabled the WaterCombos and I managed to stop people from using torrent (ice), but it seems that it continues to happen randomly... I don't know if any other servers...
  5. M


    Which plugin you are using: I am using Project Korra, the main one Which version of the plugin you are using (Can be found with /bending version): 1.6.0 BETA 7 Where the bug exists (Is it in an ability, a command, etc): I have found out that whenever someone uses the move ICEBLAST the error RPG...
  6. M


    no the chiblocker smoke screen has smoke, this has dirt particles and acts the like earthblast/frostbreath!
  7. M


  8. M


    This is an Earth Bending move, to use it you look at dirt/grass/podzol/mycelium hold shift then click towards someone (similar to earthblast). Dirt breaking particles get summoned (similar to frost breath) and whoever it hits it gives them blindness for 5seconds (15second cooldown). I believe...