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  1. Lakoto

    Fixed RevertEarth set to false, still reverts earth back

    Yea, that's what I ended up doing. The thing that sucks though is I was using earth tunnel for mining, then when the server restarted, it completely reverted and covered up my iron mine.... kinda sucks. Do you think you guys will ever create a way around that in the future? For those who don't...
  2. Lakoto


    Thank you! :D
  3. Lakoto


    I'm so confused. What is LavaSurge? Is it like the water bending "surge" move? I can't find anything about it other than you guy's post. How do I use it? And also, coolade, seriously, your the man. Love all the abilities you've created so far. EDIT: I tinkered with it a little more. Is...
  4. Lakoto

    Fixed RevertEarth set to false, still reverts earth back

    I see. Thanks for letting me know. Guess I'll play survival as some other nation.
  5. Lakoto

    Fixed RevertEarth set to false, still reverts earth back

    Before minecraft or bukkit is running, I edit the config.yml and change the RevertEarth setting to false. I then start the bukkit server, then minecraft, and get on the server. I raise a couple pillars of earth, then exit the server. If I simply get off the server and get back on, the pillars...
  6. Lakoto

    Fixed RevertEarth set to false, still reverts earth back

    Of course. Can anyone else verify this though? It doesn't happen when I exit off the server, but after I completely stop the bukkit server and start it back up again.
  7. Lakoto

    Fixed RevertEarth set to false, still reverts earth back

    I'm an earth bender in a survival world I created. The house I made was a square box I made using RaiseEarth. The problem is the blocks keep getting reverted back to their default position everytime I stop running the bukkit server. In the projectkorra config.yml, I have all revert settings set...
  8. Lakoto

    Tremor-sense alternative

    That's a good idea too.
  9. Lakoto

    Tremor-sense alternative

    I like the way tremor sense works for the most part. To make it more similar to toph's tremor sense though, whenever the player presses shift while they have the slot or item selected, similar to blaze, a sonar effect of glowstone should go out around them - like a pulse of glowstone. This would...