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  1. M

    [Part of JedCore] SonicBlast 2 [Deleted]

    Jed I love you. And your moves (._____. )..V
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    [Part of JedCore] EarthKick [Deleted]

    Looks beautiful.
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    [Part of JedCore] SpiritBeam [Deleted]

    I absolutely love this ability. Only problem is it seems like the particles are a bit off of the actually abilities hitbox? Because when I am hitting a mob with the particles straight on sometimes the beam just doesnt do damage.
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    Denied Water Motors

    I understand your point. This ability is more rpg based.
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    Denied Water Motors

    This is rather straightforward. In Avatar, the swamp benders used waterbending to speed up their boat/canoes. Well in minecraft, even for waterbenders it can be a pain to cross large large bodies of water. When in a boat all they have to do is equip this ability and they will speed up. I am...
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    Throwing a Freaking Wall at Someone

    Its cool but the chance of it happening is quite low so I don't think theres a reason for it. Think about it, you need THREE earthbenders all together to use raise earth and shockwave in synergy. Cool, but I don;t think it will be used often.
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    Complete Airbending Mechanics

    Cool! I think its possible. If metal benders can open and close metal doors then I don't see how an airbender can't blast it open
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    Denied New blood move: Levitation

    I guess if you really wanted this to work it can. I don't see how its possible for one to bloodbend themselves without having a little bit of pain. So maybe .5 every second would work. Its 50% illogical and 50% logical. Korra was able to bend the metal poison out of her by her self. So I am sure...
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    Metal Clips

    I've been having the same issue very recently. I was able to do it before but not I can't.
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    Denied Fire Daggers

    I'm don't exactly agree with this idea. First off, more people wear iron armor + rather than leather armor. So once people find out about this and how strong it is then everyone would probably get iron to counter it. Secondly, I don't know how this would contribute to their kit. They already...
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    Ability permissions

  12. M

    Ability permissions

    Im not a god at permissions or anything but I do have some experience. I am trying to give players certain abilities. Some of the abilities such as lightning are true on default. How do i make it so they are not disabled but require perms.
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    Denied Metal Idea and Water Idea

    Exactly. Thanks Hit. I feel owl is targetting a missile at me and im sure you understand.
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    Denied Metal Idea and Water Idea

    So toxic. Honestly I wanted opinions from people. Constructive critisism not someone like you who is 50% clueless.
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    Denied Metal Idea and Water Idea

    Also not to be sassy or anything but a geyser goes at pretty intense speeds. They are also boiling. I believe it would make sense for a waterbending to shoot then out of the earth. OF course there will be a somewhat of a High cooldown.
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    Denied Metal Idea and Water Idea

    Do you know what a geyser is? Its boiling water not lava. It does make sense for a volcano to be near but 1. Nether is not a volcano. 2. YOU CANT HAVE WATER IN THE NETHER
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    Denied Metal Idea and Water Idea

    Yes i did. I dont think its right to argue with someone who thought there was water in the nether...
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    Denied Metal Idea and Water Idea

    I do not. And you are slowly making this into an arguemwnt which I do not prefer. I clearly do not know coding that is why I am suggesting. Even if I knew a little coding I would work to learn more. But I dont.
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    Denied Metal Idea and Water Idea

    Geyser is perfectly logical. Its almost like how eruption can blast when the lava source is miles away in the deep earth. The only barrier I see in Geyser is how a water bender could break the stone to let the water blow. But even that can be crossed by making the water go at extreme speeds.
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    Denied Metal Idea and Water Idea

    And actually so to speak there is water everywhere. Its not drinkable nor can you access it easily. Its trapped in the rocky mantle in the earth. Which is heated up and gives a good explanation foe this ability.