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  1. Dmoney90221

    1.4.0 BETA 5

    Let's implement the white dragon tea. http://projectkorra.com/threads/element-enhancing-items.40/
  2. Dmoney90221

    Maps of kingdoms, temples or etc.

    I love this idea
  3. Dmoney90221

    New Water Move

    Bueno !
  4. Dmoney90221

    Spiritual Projection

    Well you sir need to grow up and act your age, or are you 5?
  5. Dmoney90221

    Spiritual Projection

    Aye! Our argument was over, what don't you understand about that? Why would you continue it? Drop it.
  6. Dmoney90221

    Denied Tertiary Bender Abilities

    If it last much longer that chi block then they might as well remover chiblocking all together cause it would be no use for it. It takes away the fun out of chiblocking if there is a similar move.
  7. Dmoney90221

    Denied Tertiary Bender Abilities

    But it wouldn't be unique cause chiblockers already has it. In plus, chiblocking gets little players choosing it as it is, why take it away from the "element" and make it less likely to choose that skill?
  8. Dmoney90221

    Denied Tertiary Bender Abilities

    First of all, combustion bending is in game and it great without the fire charge. Second, lava bending is for Earthbenders(as much as I want it to be for fire benders). Last but not least, what's the point of rapid punch if they implement that for blood bending?
  9. Dmoney90221

    Spiritual Projection

    It's funny cause that was never even stated. Which is why I said that in the first place.
  10. Dmoney90221

    Spiritual Projection

    So we do spiritual projection in a boat or minecart? That's even better.
  11. Dmoney90221

    Spiritual Projection

    I don't know if you have noticed, but you CANNOT sit down in minecraft.. So, laying down is the next best thing at the moment.
  12. Dmoney90221

    Complete Suffocation (WARNING SPOILER)

    And also have the bubbles deplete one by one as if they were in the water.
  13. Dmoney90221

    Metal Bending Iron Golems

    I like it. Some nice tactics could be used.
  14. Dmoney90221

    Denied New spirit sub-class.

    You guys should make The End the spirit world. have the fish be floating spirits maybe? :rolleyes:
  15. Dmoney90221

    Denied FIRE

    Well, try it out, get feedback then go from there?
  16. Dmoney90221

    Denied FIRE

    Please add Blue Fire in, it would be a lovely addition!
  17. Dmoney90221

    Potential Change to Lightning (Fire)

    I agree, but it shouldn't be like fireblast, but more like fireburst when you shift then click inthe direction you want the bast to go.