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  1. P

    [Part of JedCore] FrostBreath [Deleted]

    HELLO PEOPLE OF EARTH, I see the jury has come to a conclusion XD
  2. P

    [Part of JedCore] FrostBreath [Deleted]

    Well being banned isn't the best thing now is it? Shows he shouldn't be on pk
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    [Part of JedCore] FrostBreath [Deleted]

    And where is Jed anyway, did he send his dog to do his dirty work. Why isn't he defending himself?@Joeri
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    [Part of JedCore] FrostBreath [Deleted]

    We were telling everyone on Jed's server how much of a bad guy he was. We wanted to spare them having a similar experience
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    [Part of JedCore] FrostBreath [Deleted]

    I am staff, victim of Jed, pyro, and someone who LOVES revenge
  6. P

    [Part of JedCore] FrostBreath [Deleted]

    BRAVO!!!!!!!!!!!!! I salute you!
  7. P

    [Part of JedCore] FrostBreath [Deleted]

    I do know about this stuff, I've been on Jed's server, I know who he is, he tried to give away info on where I lived. He is a terrible person
  8. P

    [Part of JedCore] FrostBreath [Deleted]

    Also I find it hard to believe that you coded it especially when 7/10 was the date created, not the date finished. Blaze or you could have done the coding then, but since Blaze released it it is more likely he did the coding
  9. P

    [Part of JedCore] FrostBreath [Deleted]

    Just because you coded it on that date, doesn't mean you RELEASED it BEFORE Blaze. You copied the move, and it would have been the other way around if you released the move first
  10. P

    [Part of JedCore] FrostBreath [Deleted]

    What reason would Blaze have to cyber bully jedk1? They probably don't know each other irl so why would Blaze cyber bully a random person. Furthermore if Blaze did cyber bully jedk1 what would he gain since the two don't know each other. jedk1 is trying to use the story that he was being cyber...