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  1. Tenket

    Items Mod

    The original plugin developer wanted this to be as accessible to as many people as possible by not having to install anything over vanilla minecraft to use it. Modding goes against that. I agree with the simplicity of it too. AAA games have spoiled people and minecraft was never about graphics...
  2. Tenket

    Techniques and combos for pvp

    I rate the technical ability required for each element as following Water>Earth>Fire>Air Water is a bitch as you need to be near a source block all the time. Bottle bending helps this. Especially for surprising people. Use sources from around at first, but then BAM. Surge to the fking face...
  3. Tenket

    Fire Jet Ski

    I sulked for a few days but i do agree with you in the end. When i look back, my ability outlay is like an AirScooter clone anyway. Would probably be better to add this to airbenders. However a shift function on fireJet would be good still. Shift to move up slowly and move around like AirSpout...
  4. Tenket

    Fire Jet Ski

    It would be ok to have mobility like that as long as its burst like. Watch the ATLA ep in earth where Azula wrecks some peoples lives in the crystal caves. She skis around and pop pops and watches the m-f@##ers drop.
  5. Tenket

    Fire Jet Ski

    I'm thinking a good way to implement it would be to be low range/speed up and down, but quick moving sideways. So in the ways air/water spout move at pretty slow rates horizontally but up/down fast this would be the opposite. It also reflects the nature of the element. Flying with fire is...
  6. Tenket

    Fix - Could not get current artifact information IOException

    http://forums.bukkit.org/threads/latest-rb-server-not-starting.62781/ "Could not get current artifact information" error caused by auto-updater, because dl server is broken now. You can temporary get rid of this, setting auto-updater: enabled: false in bukkit.yml. ^This fixed it straight up...
  7. Tenket

    Fire Jet Ski

    I think the fire having levitation is just a bit too off topic. Its meant to be about raw power, and i rarely die from heights as a firebender now. You just tap on for a spurt until you are safe. And using other abilities while using air jet, i havent seen anyone do that in the series. People...