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  1. T

    Earth Defensive Ability

    Reading Meskena's suggestion for Earth Benders, I've been toying around it. I was finally able to generate a shape from blocks around the bender. The result still has some problems (it doesn't generate the shape in the "good order", so there can be flying blocks with no support and...
  2. T

    Oh and another for EarthSmash

    What you want to achieve is quite complex, let me split it in various steps : 1. Find the "center" of the "structure" you want to generate (the block for EarthSmash, the wall for EarthRaise, etc.). This is used to know around what Location to look. 2. Starting from the center, look for valid...
  3. T


    I'm curious, how can the math be applied to particles but not entities? Basically you generate a bunch of locations where to spawn particles, why couldn't you spawn items there with no gravity (setGravity(false)) ? Sure the items won't "rotate around you", but if it updates fast enough the...
  4. T


    You could try to use Dirt Block item and add a tag on it to make them unpickable (cancel the on item pickup event). Don't go the armor stand way, its such a massive workload for the server for no real benefits...