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  1. Cam_Farr

    Tutorial: How to create an ability in ProjectKorra

    I know this comment is kinda late, but I just wanted to say thank you for the great tutorial! By the way, since the video tutorials are a bit outdated, the uploader made an all new series that covers spigot as well: Finn's videos are REALLY good too.
  2. Cam_Farr

    Bug Report Problems when updating korra.jar

    Heres a more accurate set of console errors: 30.05 23:15:14 [Server] INFO ... 15 more 30.05 23:15:14 [Server] INFO at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(ClassLoader.java:358) ~[?:1.7.0_75] 30.05 23:15:14 [Server] INFO at java.net.FactoryURLClassLoader.loadClass(URLClassLoader.java:789)...
  3. Cam_Farr

    Bug Report Problems when updating korra.jar

    I switched out my Korra.jar file with one that was more up to date, and after i reloaded the server, the bending scoreboard and hotbar information was gone, i didn't have any permissions for basic project korra commands (even though I'm op), and the console is just shooting out error messages...
  4. Cam_Farr

    [Part of JedCore] PlantDrain [Deleted]

    Thank you for the help!
  5. Cam_Farr

    [Part of JedCore] PlantDrain [Deleted]

    I have a problem. I added this move to my server, and when i bind it and hold shift around plants, nothing happens. Could i get some help? Heres what my console says: http://pastebin.com/1YHuiVXs
  6. Cam_Farr

    Permissions help?

    PermissionsEx. Heres the file: groups: member: permissions: - modifyworld.* - essentials.rules - essentials.help - essentials.pay - essentials.balance - essentials.tell - essentials.who - essentials.afk - essentials.list - essentials.msg -...
  7. Cam_Farr

    Permissions help?

    Hi, Sorry if I'm posting this in the wrong place, as I know that really annoys some people. The deal is, I usually don't post on the forums, but I'm kind of desperate and I really didn't know what else to do. I'm struggling to find out how to assign permissions to certain players and not...