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  1. S

    Fixed Prokectkorra and PermissionsEx

    Thanks very much this worked! ^_^
  2. S

    Fixed Prokectkorra and PermissionsEx

    I have the same issue on my server, however the problem is with FireBlast and Combustion. No one is able to use these abilities unless Opped or .* has been given, I've tried all sorts of permissions like the ones above and also bending.fire - I'm using the latest Dev build of ProjectKorra
  3. S

    Fixed Permissions Problem

    Yes it is a bug report as my server still has this issue with no fix - My permissions for every other plugin work fine and it appears that the permission nodes mentioned above do not work. Hoping this will be fixed soon it's been a long wait.
  4. S

    Fixed Permissions Problem

    Yes i did - -bending.message.nightmessage - -bending.message.daymessage Using latest version of PermissionsEx
  5. S

    Fixed Permissions Problem

    Thanks for the reply! Tried those permissions, however as you said - messages still appear. Confirmed bug
  6. S

    Fixed Permissions Problem

    Hello, was not aware this was the place to post bugs as there was no direction to here, so i posted on github 4 days ago and with no response I found this place after searching around google... Heres my issue: https://github.com/ProjectKorra/ProjectKorra/issues/68