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ABANDONED EarthSmash 1.0.4

EarthSmash for Earthbenders

- Can be used as a shield.
- Blocks Watermanipulation, EarthBlast, FireBlast, Torrent (Stream), and IceSpike.
Can't Block ShockWave, EarthGrab, Blaze, AirShield, AirBurst, Tornado, Torrent(AOE).
- Collides with Surge Waves, and other EarthSmashes, removing both objects.
Makes it hard for FireBenders to cast Lightning at the player by blocking the line of site.

- Can be shot as a projectile to hit multiple enemies.
- Does moderate damage that scales based on how many blocks are attached to the center.
- Travels fast and is harder to block than EarthBlast.
- Can't be redirected like EarthBlast, making its travel path predictable.

- Can be ridden for a few seconds, the duration is similar to FireJet.
- Collision with walls and certain abilities will cause you to fall.​

- You can only create an EarthSmash if there is enough earthbendable material where you are pointing.
- Other EarthBenders can steal your EarthSmash if you aren't grabbing or riding it.
- EarthSmash can be ridden by multiple entities at a time.​

Download the file and then unzip it into: plugins/ProjectKorra/Abilities
Modify the configuration file to suit your needs.​

ProjectKorra.abilities.EarthSmash (Default)​

Designed for Bukkit 1.5.10 and ProjectKorra 1.5.0
"This is not an official ProjectKorra ability, therefore, no official support will be provided in any threads other than this one. Use at your own risk."
First release
Last update
5.00 star(s) 1 ratings

Latest reviews

Outstanding!!! Simply Extraordinary... quite genius infact!