I've always been frustrated that RaiseEarth is either a wall or a small 1-by-7 pillar. So @xNuminousx and I made CustomPillars, which fixes that.
(Permission: bending.ability.custompillars)
To use it you simply have the CustomPillars ability and left click. Here you can edit the X, Y, and Z of your pillar. After that, you simply exit out of the GUI and then hold shift where you want your pillar to appear; it's as simple as that.
In the config are options to set the max range for the pillar from the person (e.g if the max range is 30 if someone is trying to summon a pillar 50 blocks away it won't work.)
There's also (of course) options to set the max X, Y, and Z the pillar can be, along with the cooldown, which by default is set to 5000 milliseconds (5 seconds.)
I hope you enjoy this ability--it's my first one!
If you would like to contribute just hop onto the GitHub, edit, and submit a pull request! Thanks!
New demo:
Old demo: