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Recent content by xNuminousx

  1. xNuminousx

    Wall Gliding (Passive)

    Maybe you could add an additional feature that allows the chi blocker to climb walls as well. Or maybe jump wall-to-wall to scale it. Super mario style.
  2. xNuminousx

    Using ProjectAddons on 1.9.0

    Responds 4 years later.... Lol
  3. xNuminousx

    ProjectKorra Turns 9!

    Super cool! Lots of memories and personal growth linked to this project. Project Korra forever!!
  4. xNuminousx


    Nearly 4 years later..... Lol
  5. xNuminousx


    Sounds like not much has changed since your posts back in 2017. Unfortunately, you'll need to actually understand how the code you write works in order to become a proficient ability creator. Otherwise, you're just copy and pasting someone else's work in all that you do.
  6. xNuminousx

    ProjectKorra Plushies

    Neat idea!
  7. xNuminousx


    xNuminousx updated Spirits with a new update entry: Beta 1.0.14 Read the rest of this update entry...
  8. xNuminousx

    Side Plugin Spirits - Beta 1.0.14

    This update was made possible by the many fixes and improvements contributed by StrangeOne101. More to come soon... Keep in mind, this project has been in and out of development for the past several years. Only recently was the project brought back out to see the light of day. This list of...
  9. xNuminousx

    Suggestion Clickable Shield

    This post is over 2 years old lol
  10. xNuminousx

    Avatar Themed Treepack/Biome Pack

    Cool idea! Excited to see how you expand and update this pack! Maybe include classic terrain like the field in the Zuko Alone episode that reappears in The Legend of Korra. Or maybe the cave system where Zaheer tries to kill Korra and keeps the airbenders hostage. Lots of ideas!
  11. xNuminousx

    Are we allowed to, and is there any way to edit existing bending powers?

    The Project Korra code is open source. You can find it on GitHub HERE. You're able to make any modifications to the source code that you please, you just can't distribute it or claim it as your own. You could use the add-on API to re-code stock abilities to suit your needs as well. In order to...
  12. xNuminousx

    Korra's Haircut?

    OMG the ads are getting smarter....
  13. xNuminousx

    How to create custom ability?

    Follow these tutorials with YouTube videos attached: PK Tutorials (github.com)
  14. xNuminousx

    I need some help with custom abilities

    Custom abilities are only available in the .jar format. I don't understand how you're able to add ProjectKorra to your server, which is a .jar file, but you can't add a custom ability?
  15. xNuminousx

    Custom config values

    In order to customize abilities past what the configuration allows you to do, you'll need to jump into the source code for the project and edit the code directly. You'll need experience with Java code in order to maneuver the project and find the values you're wanting to edit. You can't just...