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Recent content by StrangeOne101

  1. StrangeOne101

    Side Plugin BendingGUI - Updated for PK 1.12.0 Pre releases

    Updated for PK 1.12.0 Pre releases
  2. StrangeOne101


    StrangeOne101 updated BendingGUI with a new update entry: Updated for PK 1.12.0 Pre releases Read the rest of this update entry...
  3. StrangeOne101


    StrangeOne101 updated BloodRip with a new update entry: Updated to 1.21 Read the rest of this update entry...
  4. StrangeOne101

    Bloodbending BloodRip - Updated to 1.21

    Requires Java 21 - Updated to 1.21
  5. StrangeOne101

    Plantbending CactusBlast - Updated to 1.20

    - Updated to 1.20 - The description and instructions can now be translated
  6. StrangeOne101


    StrangeOne101 updated CactusBlast with a new update entry: Updated to 1.20 Read the rest of this update entry...
  7. StrangeOne101

    Plantbending PlantWhip - Updated for 1.21

    Requires Java 21 - Updated for Minecraft 1.21
  8. StrangeOne101


    StrangeOne101 updated PlantWhip with a new update entry: Updated for 1.21 Read the rest of this update entry...
  9. StrangeOne101

    Suggestion pk bending animations

    It's not possible with resource packs, sadly. Player models cannot be changed via resource packs, and if they can't be changed, the animations for players are the same. Animations are only able to be done in a mod
  10. StrangeOne101

    Looking Into Bender: {element}

    This is implemented in the latest PK builds
  11. StrangeOne101

    Side Plugin BendingGUI - Fixed bug with 1.20.5

    Fixed bug with 1.20.5
  12. StrangeOne101


    StrangeOne101 updated BendingGUI with a new update entry: Fixed bug with 1.20.5 Read the rest of this update entry...
  13. StrangeOne101

    Side Plugin BendingGUI - Updated for 1.20.5 + Custom model data for icons

    - Updated for 1.20.5 and above (requires 1.20.5) - Each icon in BendingGUI now has a custom model data. You can see the number by turning on the option in the config
  14. StrangeOne101


    StrangeOne101 updated BendingGUI with a new update entry: Updated for 1.20.5 + Custom model data for icons Read the rest of this update entry...
  15. StrangeOne101

    Air Particles

    Are you wanting to do this for airbending? Right now, you cannot change the colors with the config alone. You'd need to edit the code of ProjectKorra to do that. Additionally, bubble pop cannot be colored