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Recent content by Pommepot

  1. P

    ProjectKorra (Core)

    I hold shift, trying to click few time but nothing happens :/ We maybe could continue our discution in private message ? i dont wanna spam your post x]
  2. P

    ProjectKorra (Core)

    Yes you help a lot ! But few abilities didnt work like tornado, it's normal or i did something wrong ? :/
  3. P

    ProjectKorra (Core)

    Thanks for the answer ! Then do you know if there is a wiki or a vidéo on how use the abilities ? Because i've try few stuff and nothing work :(
  4. P

    ProjectKorra (Core)

    Hi everyone, i'm new here :] I've got a little problem, i download the plugin and it works on the game but there is no ability in my ability folder, should i download something else or i've done any shit ? x] Thank :)