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Recent content by PjoutoThe Miner

  1. PjoutoThe Miner


    All good, I wish you luck.
  2. PjoutoThe Miner


    PK projects or personal ones?
  3. PjoutoThe Miner


    Are there any plans for updating this plugin? I really enjoy using it and I believe it has potential.
  4. PjoutoThe Miner


    The new uploaded file is PlantBlast, not PlantAmor. Seems like you got them mixed.
  5. PjoutoThe Miner


    Oh, I am so sorry. I was not aware of that.
  6. PjoutoThe Miner


    I'd like to point out a minor thing that annoys me while using the plugin. When you do the Phase combo you need to press shift to exit the spectator gamemode. The problem is that the last ability for the Phase combo is Vanish; and since you can't change slots in gamemode 3 when you press shift...
  7. PjoutoThe Miner


    Glad I was of any help. Keep the hot updates on the plugin going.
  8. PjoutoThe Miner


    Yes, that was how I fixed my possess/strike problem. When people report in about moves not working properly you should always take other plugins into account. About the permissions, I did some testing and unlike some other PK nodes for example "bending.air", there is no similar permission node...
  9. PjoutoThe Miner


    I was wondering if there is a list of the permission nodes. Can anyone tell me if it exists?
  10. PjoutoThe Miner


    I had the same problem when I first downloaded the plugin. I don't know about your situation but my problem was the "Essentials" plugin. If you have Essentials just set "teleport-invulnerability" to 0. If you don't have Essentials then sorry, I can't think of anything. I hope I was helpful...