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Recent content by Kade

  1. Kade

    Big changes to air to match the show more

    For the airscooter thing, I made a post about it a while ago if you wanna check it out; http://projectkorra.com/threads/improved-airscooter.884/#post-9747
  2. Kade

    1.9 Bending!?

    Oh, cool!
  3. Kade

    1.9 Bending!?

    This is just until people figure out how to activate the flying animation/gliding without the elytra, if at all possible.
  4. Kade

    Denied WaterGlobe

    Its Zhao ;)
  5. Kade

    Denied WaterGlobe

    He's using Sildur's shaders (I'm the one that sent it to him lol)
  6. Kade

    Denied WaterGlobe

    Cool move man, and even better model ;)
  7. Kade

    EarthControl, WaterControl

    Yeah, I'd really love to see this as a move
  8. Kade

    Denied WaterTentacle

    Element: Water Sub-Element: Water Description: Shift to select a water source block, then left click an entity to launch a stream of water which will pull the entity towards the source block, dealing 2 hearts of damage to the target on impact. *Said stream of water will have a max length of 14...
  9. Kade

    Denied Waterbending - WaterDome

    sand and water are totally different..
  10. Kade

    Denied Waterbending - WaterDome

    Think of it how WaterSpout doubles as WaterWave, it just gives WaterBubble a new feature.
  11. Kade

    Denied Waterbending - WaterDome

    I really like this! But to make the ice dome less op, you could have a slight slowness effect on the player while the dome is frozen? Just a suggestion :p
  12. Kade

    Complete Waterspout animation!

    I remember Orion actually having this on his server, it was a nice effect and didn't lag at all.
  13. Kade

    SinkHole Ability

    I'm not sure you know what a passive is...
  14. Kade

    Improved AirScooter

    That's what I was thinking c;
  15. Kade

    Complete Air Manipulation

    Love everything about this