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Recent content by cmcmcpc

  1. cmcmcpc

    More Canon Material?

    I'll have to check that out sometime. Also hoping they make an animated adaptation (if it's any good :P).
  2. cmcmcpc

    Non-Canon Bending

    Yeah, I've gotten a bunch of Gravity suggestions from my players... A portal gun plugin would be a lot less op than some of the ideas I got. o-o
  3. cmcmcpc

    Non-Canon Bending

    I know, some of the things on this chart are completely dumb and/or don't even exist (FragtureBending ftw). If I had the ability to make these moves, I would categorize things better and more "realistically" than what the creator of this chart did. I really just wanted to see what other people...
  4. cmcmcpc

    Non-Canon Bending

    Custom abilities are completely optional. If I had a server that was dead set on being accurate to the series, then I wouldn't download them.
  5. cmcmcpc

    Non-Canon Bending

    Like I said, I would never like to see this in an official release of the plugin, as it would destroy the goal of creating an accurate way of bring Avatar to Minecraft. I would just like to see if other people are interested in seeing community-created addons that would fall under the...
  6. cmcmcpc

    Non-Canon Bending

    I know I'll probably regret posting this, but I'd like to bring up the topic of non-canon bending. After talking to other people I realized that, as the main Avatar series has ended, it's becoming harder for people to come up with canon moves. I'd like to post a chart I've been seeing that shows...
  7. cmcmcpc

    [Deleted] Lightning

    I meant the Project Korra lightning. I'm beginning to sound stupid so I'll run through the config one more time, but usually keeping two moves like that will cause issues.
  8. cmcmcpc

    [Deleted] Lightning

    I can't get it to work. Using 1.8.0 beta 10, disabled it config, and put it in the abilities folder. Any solutions/tips? ;-;