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Server going against EULA? (Community discussion)


Verified Member
PS: Based on what I've heard. I don't play the server enough to have knowledge of this.

So from what I understand donors are able to buy perks for their pets (like pets that can fight for you) which goes against EULA IMO. It specifically says a donation store can only be cosmetic, and selling fighting advantages is against that. Sure, you have to train to that point but if the default player can't also train to that point then it'd be an advantage.


Just saying for a friend. Lol.


Verified Member
Well yeah, it is when those who don't pay for real cash can't get it through other means. Case closed, lol.

P.S. I think aesthetics/cosmetics are an exception, so that doesn't goes against EULA.


Verified Member
I honestly don't agree that pets break the EULA.
  • For one thing, you can't buy a pet. Being a donator grants you the ability to tame a pet.
  • Much like a pet wolf, you have to first tame it through regular minecraft mechanics. To activate it as a "pet" to the plugin, you have to click it with a lead. While not by a large margin, it is slightly more difficult to tame a donator pet than a wolf as slime (used to craft leads) is somewhat of a rare item on the server.
  • A tamed wolf does 4 damage per hit (2 hearts). A donator pet can do a maximum of 3.5 damage per hit, and that is only if you train it to level 10 which requires a bit of grinding.
  • Not only do pets do less damage, their AI is a bit buggy and don't always register hits, further reducing their DPS over default minecraft wolves whose AI was built for attacking.
The pet plugin exists to allow you to aesthetically alter your pet to look like a parrot (which cannot fly once turned into a pet), ocelot, or horse and is actually a disadvantage compared to a wolf that any player can tame. You were misinformed by someone who did not have a clear understanding of the pet plugin, and was misdirecting their anger at it.


Verified Member
So Moon said that you buy the ability to allow your pet to fight for you, that's not true? From what you say I gather that it only allows you to take more pet types then just a wolf, however they act just as wolves.


Verified Member
What moone said was like the same thing as what viper just said, but viper worked it out more.. and vipers comment made more sense haha


Verified Member
So basically it's like buying access to a different textured wolf and acts just like a wolf would (You go out and find it and tame it and stuff). And it also adds the feature to level them up but you can't level them up more powerful than a wolf? Am I correct?


Verified Member
Yes, actually they're less powerful then a wolf
Ooh okay. Then I suppose there isn't an issue with buying a different textured wolf, essentially.

Although, I do see a tiny issue with some mobs being more common than others which may be sort of an issue, since donators may have more access to a fighting pet than a player looking for a wolf. Also, this isn't exactly purely cosmetic. As you are essentially buying a funny looking wolf, you are still buying access to a fighting mob. But a normal player can also achieve the same thing so that may null the situation. Kind of iffy but it's also not a problem.

When I started the thread I was under different understanding. Thank you for educating me.


Verified Member
I haven't played with the parrots before so I dont know about that. Ocelots are equally hard to find, depending on your world seed. Horses are pretty common, yes.


Verified Member
Well it was a nice aesthetic when parrots flop their wings. I'll admit, they made believe they do fly lol.

Did you guys download the plugin and created one for the server excluaively? If first, can we get the link for it's overview?