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Per-Bending Commands


New Member

I am seeking help with a major problem I have. With the ProjectKorra RPG plugin, I am attempting to make it so when there element is chosen, they get per-bending commands run with it. For example, if your a firebender chosen from the RPG plugin, it teleports you to the fire temple, gives you the fire prefix, and gives you a certian weapon. Is there a way to do this?

Please help,

Capal Victorous


New Member
Thank you. I have installed this plugin, but cannot discover how to add per-bending commands. Could you explain?



Staff member
Plugin Developer
Verified Member
I don't know much about BendingEssentials, but if you use a chat system like EssentialsChat, you can add a {ELEMENT} or {ELEMENTCOLOR} prefix which will then show a person's current element.

As for running commands when you choose an element, you'd have to get a custom plugin for this. There was one once, but it's no longer available (and outdated anyway).


Verified Member
Is your last name really 'Victorious'? Cuz if it is, that's the most littest last name I've ever seen.


Verified Member
Can't do that with RPG, but can do that with BendingEssentials http://projectkorra.com/resources/«bending-essentials».233/
Actually, half of the features do have the potential of becoming a core features. I just think that the choose executor and 'bending signs' (providing the support) are a 'must' thing that should be on the development list. Choose executor would probably be better introduced to the RPG plugin for obvious reasons.