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Staff member
Plugin Developer
Verified Member
I have removed the download link now that this is a default plugin ability.

Fire Combos allow you to use multiple abilities together to create other strong abilities. Fire Combos are meant to be advanced Firebending techniques, they take practice!

FireKick: A short ranged arc of fire launches from your feet and causes medium damage without burning (No cooldown).
FireBlast > FireBlast > (Hold Shift) > FireBlast.

FireSpin: Creates a circular blast of fire that launches from your body and causes medium damage and knockback to all surrounding enemies.
FireBlast > FireBlast > FireShield > (Tap Shift).

FireWheel: A long range and deadly wheel of fire slithers along the ground to your enemy, causes high damage and burning.
FireShield (Hold Shift) > Right Click a block in front of you twice > Switch to Blaze > Release Shift.

JetBlast: Causes your FireJet to blast off at a must faster speed.
FireJet (Tap Shift) > FireJet (Tap Shift) > FireShield (Tap Shift) > FireJet.

JetBlaze: Causes your FireJet to move faster than normal but slower than JetBlast. You also burn and damage all the targets that you come in contact with.
FireJet (Tap Shift) > FireJet (Tap Shift) > Blaze (Tap Shift) > FireJet.

Version 1.0.1

V 1.0.1:
- Fixed a problem with the permissions

Element: Fire
Permission: bending.ability.FireCombo (Default)
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Verified Member
hello! This is very awesome, but players cannot do the combos! They have the permission, and it is enabled by default.


Verified Member
Whoa. This could completely change the entire plugin for the better. Got any ideas for the other elements?

Erm, can anyone explain how to do this permission stuff? They aren't working for me.
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Verified Member
Whoa. This could completely change the entire plugin for the better. Got any ideas for the other elements?
I can think of plenty for air, but I can see combo-ing being tricky for earth and water since they're a bit slower (as they have to select sources).
It could be made to work though, and I do agree that this should be part of the default plugin. It's awesome.


Verified Member
This ability is amazing. I've tried it out and I think that it will definitely change the way people fight with the plugin. This opens up so many more opportunities for other elements as well, and I think it will take PK in a good direction if added. I have always been pushing for combos with bending, especially with fire. This is an amazing add-on to the plugin, and opens up a pathway for many more improvements to other elements, and the plugin.


Verified Member
The abilities still aren't working for me. Do I need to edit the config or permissions (and if so how do I do that exactly?)


Verified Member
This would also appeal to those who have been wanting benders to "learn" abilities. With combos, experienced benders can log onto a server knowing the combos that they do, and be able to fight, without having to go through an earning process. This will also put an end to spammers, because from my experience with this add-on, players using combos other than the basic moves are a lot more likely to win a fight over someone who just sits and spams charged fireblast.


Staff member
Plugin Developer
Verified Member
The abilities still aren't working for me. Do I need to edit the config or permissions (and if so how do I do that exactly?)
Add the "bending.ability.FireCombo" permission, are you sure they aren't working? You might just be doing them wrong.


Staff member
Plugin Developer
Verified Member
This would also appeal to those who have been wanting benders to "learn" abilities. With combos, experienced benders can log onto a server knowing the combos that they do, and be able to fight, without having to go through an earning process. This will also put an end to spammers, because from my experience with this add-on, players using combos other than the basic moves are a lot more likely to win a fight over someone who just sits and spams charged fireblast.
I agree it really puts a whole new perspective during fire fights. It really was just the difference between knowing with to FireBlast, FireJet, and Blaze. Now you can combo your FireKicks in sync with FireBlast, you can time a charged Fireblast into a Firewheel to deal with long range targets. You can get out of a bad situation with JetBlast or JetBlaze, and you can FireSpin enemies away when you need to create distance. It's a lot more than just clicking one of these abilities, you have to know the combination and that takes practice, especially FireSpin and FireWheel.


Verified Member
I'm just supposed to paste that into the permissions file? If so it's not working.
If you put this ability in the abilities folder of projectkorra, it will show up for operators at "/b d fire" so if that works, than the bending is loaded. If you want to give access to your members to this move, you will need to add the permissions to their group: example for PEX: "pex group [groupname] add bending.ability.FireCombo" as soon as they have that, it should work, try and reload the permissions plugin.


Verified Member
If you put this ability in the abilities folder of projectkorra, it will show up for operators at "/b d fire" so if that works, than the bending is loaded. If you want to give access to your members to this move, you will need to add the permissions to their group: example for PEX: "pex group [groupname] add bending.ability.FireCombo" as soon as they have that, it should work, try and reload the permissions plugin.
Thanks, I'll try this when I get home. I've always hated messing with permissions so I never really bothered learning how to use them.