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ice bent

  1. MeskenasBoii

    Suggestion (2017-02-18) FrostBreath

    10% of the waterbenders that are 'born' in the server will obtain the ability of FrostBreath. With this ability, a waterbender can freeze the soaked opponents (i.e. a check is done if the entity was in contact with water and after that, whenever before 60 second has passed), by holding sneak...
  2. MeskenasBoii

    Awesome IceSpike version

    Charge IceSpike (long chargetime) when on or near snow or water - Release it to shoot 3 arches of ice If all of them succesfully injures its target, that creature will be dealt with 3.0 damage (each one deals 1.0 damage) For clarification, it deals *<3 <3 <3* ,and not *<3 <* .