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  1. cpdances

    Fixed Healing Waters- Healing other player is broken(V1.7 BETA 2)

    Bump, just wondering if this is being looked at still?
  2. cpdances

    Fixed Healing Waters- Healing other player is broken(V1.7 BETA 2)

    @AlexTheCoder, no I'm not using any addon versions for healing waters, I tested this with the basic pk plugin and nothing else on a test server.
  3. cpdances

    Fixed Healing Waters- Healing other player is broken(V1.7 BETA 2)

    Healing waters works for a single player, but when attempting to heal another player through sneaking it does not heal the other player.This bug was introduced in version 1.7.0 beta 2 and remains for the next beta also. A fix would be very appreciated, thanks for reading.
  4. cpdances

    1.1.0 BETA 2

    Thanks Coolade <3
  5. cpdances

    Fixed Error with airbending

    I also have this error.
  6. cpdances

    Fireblast revert block option

    tent revert? On another note, it would also be great to have heatcontrol revert back to lava once turned into obsidian. for fire extinguish this wouldn't need a revert. But the obsidian to lava reminds me of how phasechange reverts back to water from ice. Basic grief prevention, many nethers...
  7. cpdances

    Fireblast revert block option

    Could we get an option to revert fireblasts block damage after a certain time, in the spirit of reducing grief this would be great. Right now I have fireblast block damage disabled, but if the blocks reverted I would feel fine enabling block damage. Thanks so much :)
  8. cpdances

    1.6.0 BETA 14

    When using airblast to launch yourself directly horizontal, you take damage, there is no wall, just open air, is this intentional?
  9. cpdances

    1.6.0 BETA 12

    Ok thanks a bunch
  10. cpdances

    Fixed Lightning not working on beta 12

    I've tried that version, the issue still persists.
  11. cpdances

    Fixed Lightning not working on beta 12

    Thankyou, but it still doesn't work on that build :/
  12. cpdances

    1.6.0 BETA 12

    I am using that version worldguard, and I experience the same issue still. @miguelez23 did you get it working?
  13. cpdances

    Bug Report Cannot measure distance between BendingArena and world

    Hi, I had a similar issue, do you use citizens?
  14. cpdances

    Fixed Lightning not working on beta 12

    PK 1.6.0 BETA 12 worldguard 6.0 beta 5 http://dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/worldguard/files/45-world-guard-6-0-beta-5/ worldedit 6.0 http://dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/worldedit/files/60-world-edit-6-0/ spigot 1.8 Hey, lightning bugs out by charging, but either doesn't shoot at all or hits...
  15. cpdances

    Bug Report Citizens and Pk hit a new level of incompatibility

    Ok thank, I'll do some testing with citizens with this in mind.
  16. cpdances

    Bug Report Citizens and Pk hit a new level of incompatibility

    Pk 1.6.0 Beta 11 Citizens Dev build #1206 http://ci.citizensnpcs.co/job/Citizens2/1206/ A lot of the bending moves glitch now, its not just phasechange, its also fireblast, airswipe(block range reduces to 1 block), watermanip doesn't work, there might be more, but just disabled citizens until...
  17. cpdances

    Fixed Fire Blast & Lightning Spigot 1.8 and PK 1.6 Beta 8

    WorldGuard 6.0.0-beta03.1514: http://dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/worldguard/files/43-world-guard-6-0-beta-3-mc-1-7-10-and-1-8/ PK 1.6.0 BETA 7 Thanks jacklin
  18. cpdances

    Fixed Fire Blast & Lightning Spigot 1.8 and PK 1.6 Beta 8

    I also have this issue
  19. cpdances

    Bug Report Citizens airpassive/phasechange break

    haha damn, thanks though
  20. cpdances

    Bug Report Citizens airpassive/phasechange break

    Had it? Did you find a fix or just top using citizens?