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EarthBending involving more utility techniques

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Verified Member
Earthbending is usefull for building uses with a few moves, so why not shall we expand to a few more ones and add more contrability? :)

Shifting: Holding shift will allow the block to follow the courser. In other words, same mechanic from EarthManipulation (AlexTheCoder's addon). While moving it around, left clicking the block or a living thing, will shoot it as a regular earthblast projectile.
Right Click: When selecting a source or using the Shifting feature, right click on a block will cause the shifting/sourced block to rush at the right clicked block and will placed on that right clicked one (the placement position will be determined on the side it was clicked)
Shifting: Shift one of the blocks of raiseearth pillar. Then hold shift on a block that isn't an 'earth' block. As long as you are holding shift, the pillar will continue on moving towards the block you holding shift and when it reaches it will stop on top of it. If the pillar runs over non-earthy block that is below the pillar, the pillar will stop at one block away from it, cancelling the move. If any block sticking out from the ground, getting in the way of raiseearths pathway, it will also cause the pillar to stop infront of that block.
Right Click: Same thing that was applie for EarthBlast.

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