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Looking Into Air and Fire Bending Doors


Verified Member
So i had he idea of secret or hidden doors or pathways that you can only open using fire or air bending like in the show

- Air
In the third episode and third to last episode Team Avatar goes to the southern and northern air temple and aang uses his airbending to open a locked door

- Fire
In one of the episodes in the third season were zuko reads his great grandfathers past as does aang with Avatar Roku.
In the fire sages temple there is a secret door that can only be opened with fire bending.

i dont know about the other 2 elements if they would work but i think this would be a great idea to add to the plugin.

Move Name: Air Door
Element: Air
Description: So we could make an entirely new move that once you use the move on a specifically selected block it will make the door open. ( what i mean is that you would select a block and once you want to open the door you just use the move on that block you chose to open the secret door so no one else can open it even if they have the element chosen.

Move Name: Fire Door
Element: Fire
Description: Basically the same idea as the air door move but instead with fire.


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This isn't really necessary. There are plugins that let you make "locked" doors and you can create a permission node that gives people the ability to open the door.


Verified Member
I feel like this would be a better suggestion for the PK items plugin. One of the default items that comes with the plugin.


Verified Member
See the thing is, is that we would make two entirely new moves specifically for this and you have to use this move to open the hidden door.


Verified Member
This isn't really necessary. There are plugins that let you make "locked" doors and you can create a permission node that gives people the ability to open the door.
Thats no fun :I. Besides, most of the stuff in rpg are consider not necessary but they are still in it like "automatic avatar state: thingy when you just can l-click to activate


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I still think it should go into the items plugins if anywhere


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Air already had this function for airblast and it's suggested to bring it back. For fire ,it's a abit illogicial for them to open wooden door instead they could burn it(destroy and drop it as an item) when they shoot fireblast(charged maybe)


Verified Member
for fire bending it wouldn't be wooden don't you remember in TLA when zuko goes to the fire sages temple and opens that secret door. and for air you must have misread the idea.
The idea is that when your making the secret door or pathway you would select a block so when you use the air or fire door ability on that specific block it will open a secret hidden path or door and if you don't use the specific move on the selected block you chose the door won't open.


Verified Member
for fire bending it wouldn't be wooden don't you remember in TLA when zuko goes to the fire sages temple and opens that secret door. and for air you must have misread the idea.
but it wasn't iron door either, right? I didn't misread it, airblast had the function to open doors (if not mistaken) and it is suggested but ogh well..this got look into anyway
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Verified Member
no ur are mis reading it. this would look like a door at all this would be a random block that you would select and if u used the move on that block it would open a secret path way so it would kinda work almost like redstone in a way.


Verified Member
no ur are mis reading it. this would look like a door at all this would be a random block that you would select and if u used the move on that block it would open a secret path way so it would kinda work almost like redstone in a way.
I'm not getting what are you referring secret path way? like behind the piston door where there no redstone triggers to open it?


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for fire bending it wouldn't be wooden don't you remember in TLA when zuko goes to the fire sages temple and opens that secret door. and for air you must have misread the idea.
The idea is that when your making the secret door or pathway you would select a block so when you use the air or fire door ability on that specific block it will open a secret hidden path or door and if you don't use the specific move on the selected block you chose the door won't open.
Firebending had nothing to do with openning that door, it was light that caused the door to open


Verified Member
you guys obviously haven't seen avatar the last airbender have you? in the show zoo uses fire bending to open a secret door leading somewere. and hang opened a door at the southern and northern air temple to open a door that only an air bender could open. let me try and find a gif of what if it ok


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you guys obviously haven't seen avatar the last airbender have you? in the show zoo uses fire bending to open a secret door leading somewere. and hang opened a door at the southern and northern air temple to open a door that only an air bender could open. let me try and find a gif of what if it ok
Zuko never used firebending to open a door.