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Verified Member
I have an idea for a WaterCombo move. I have thought about balance, especially regarding the nature of water.

Name: IceDisk

Description: Combo: PhaseChange (left-click) > IceSpike (left-click) > IceSpike (tap sneak) > IceSpike (left-click). This will shape a thin and sharp disc from ice that will be launched forward at high speed.

How it could work: After the combo is executed a block of snow (the natural snow on the ground that 1/8 the height of a standard block) could be sent forward at rather high speed, due to the shape of the technique being streamlined, and dealing a moderate amount of damage (about 3-4 damage/1.5-2 hearts default).

The idea realistically is that the PhaseChange (left-click) will be aimed at the water to turn it to ice (if not already, which does not affect the combo sequence), the IceSpike will then raise a small column of ice that will serve as the source. After raising that IceSpike column you aim the cross-hair at it for the tap sneak IceSpike, which will give the smoke particle source effect, and then finally left-click where you wish to launch the IceDisk.

I figure an effective way to use IceDisk is as an opener to an opponent closing in distance so the combo can be prepared for them to get close enough and its speed of the attack is meant to be pretty fast. The technique is average in damage and its speed is really its stronger factor. The technique is not meant to be redirectable due to its speed and shape. I think the range of IceDisk should be by default around that of watermanipulation, but it would make sense to have a fairly long range due to physics.

Another thing I considered when thinking up this WaterCombo is that it does not include a direct attack midway through the combo and only at the end. I did this because I wanted this technique to used in a different way than other damaging moves. I wanted it to be for a quick attack that will swiftly cut at a target and not for its speed to become a deadly additional to a string of damaging water attacks. Especially being a small sized attack it will not be so easy to hit a target, especially moving at higher speeds.

I do not think IceDisk should have a cooldown since it does not deal that much damage and the combo will naturally break down the rate at which it can be fired in succession.

I hope you like the idea of the technique. Please leave helpful feedback and offer any ways in which you believe the technique could possibly be improved. Thank you very much. :)
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Verified Member
Maybe a ice bullet combo (Hama uses it, Korra uses it, Katara uses it)

Water Combo: Ice Bullet
1. Select Ice Blast and tap shift, then left click
2.Select Phasechange and tap shift
3. Punch air in any direction
- This move sends a bunch of ice-particles (Ice spikes) in a specific direction, dealing 2 hearts to any user that is hit by the attack
(6 block range, 3 blocks wide, 2 blocks long, 2 blocks high)
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Verified Member
I wondered about what an AoE combo would be for WaterCombo and I feared for how easily it could be overpowered, but I have to say, with the short range I think it just about balances out the size of the ice projectiles, so I can see this working in my opinion.


Verified Member
I wondered about what an AoE combo would be for WaterCombo and I feared for how easily it could be overpowered, but I have to say, with the short range I think it just about balances out the size of the ice projectiles, so I can see this working in my opinion.
I think icedisk is pretty cool but can you give details on the source block for it?
For a source block, maybe, just maybe... you can use water bottles.

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