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Wall Jump (Air/Chi)

Should this be added?

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So, I re watched TLOK season one and two, and the scene where Zahere escaped from prison gave me an idea.
Wall Jump
This would be a new ability, in which the airbender or chiblocker uses by sprinting and jumping into a wall while it is equipped. Upon doing so you will freeze for a very short second and will be able to jump again. If there is another wall within reach and you land on it, then you can once again jump, effectively climbing the wall. This could possibly also be a move for chi, as chi is a very mobile class.
The specifications of this would be as followed.

For chi, freezing time (The time that you can stay on the wall without doing anything) 0.5 seconds. (You'd need to jump quickly) Cooldown 5 seconds. The cooldown would be activated when you stop using the ability in succession, so you'd be able to jump from wall to wall quickly, but would need to take a break when you got the chance. Distance 2 blocks.

For air; Freezing time 1 second, as airbenders can use bending to hold themselves on the wall longer. Cooldown 3.5 seconds. Using bending to propel yourself takes less effort than using just your body as with chi. Distance 3 blocks.

Where in the show?
This was used, as I said above, in the episode where Zahere escapes from prison. He jumped onto the wall and runs for a bit before jumping off again. This was also used by Ty Li in the episode in ALTA where non of the gaang were getting any sleep, and they were being tracked. In the scene where they were trying to fly the exhausted Appa across the river, Ty Li jumps from tree to tree in a very wall jumpish way. If I find any other examples of airbenders or chiblockers using this skill I'll post them below.
This would be a very effective tool for climbing walls in between two buildings. Or, say you are an airbender running away from a mob or a player, and you run head on into an alley. You could jump off the wall in front of you and jump over your attacker and continue running the other way.
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Verified Member
Seems good but I think having a slot for it to have to keep switching to might get a little annoying but this is still cool.


Verified Member
OMG that's awesome!!!
But I'm not sure that's exactly what my idea was. I mean like in classic video game platformers where you jump off of a wall.
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Verified Member
his addon is wallrun when you run in the wall, he is saying a way that you jump in a wall and then in this wall you jump to other.


Verified Member
I really like this idea. I've seen other scenes where a bender is jumping from wall to wall. It was really cool. I definitely think they should add it to the plugin, but with some changes. Instead of it being a bound abilities, it would be a passive ability which can occur anytime like Speed and Jump Boost for Air. Other than that, this is a really great idea!
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