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Denied Some random new moves. (all elements)


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~ Random Ideas ~

Hello everyone!
I'm Finn and I've some pretty cool ideas for new bending moves for each element!!
I hope you like my ideas! Please post some feedback or tips if you have some;]
Negative posts like "This sucks" or "Those ideas are stupid" aren't useful. Please tell me why you think so. If you think one of my moves isn't useful of something like that, then please don't start shouting at me, just tell me what you think and I'll look at it;]
So I hope you like my moves!! The more positive feedback, the more chance it'll be added to PK:D

(I want to give more use to snow because snow is not used actually. I want to give more use to snow:3)

The moves:
~ Water ~

I'm not a big fan of water arms so here are some other moves!
IceDisc: This is used by Katara during her fight with master Pakku. This is how it would work:
Shift while looking at a water-bendable block. Smoke will appear. When you click a snow layer will shoot in the direction you clicked. You can shoot an Ice disc 5 times. To use it again you need to do this again. Cooldown is configurable, as well as the damage and knockback.

WaterSpout+: yup, an upgrade!! This upgrade adds "IceSkating"!! If you hold shift while on ice, you'll start skating on the ice like fastswim in water. However, fastswim is used by a lot of waterbenders to get away! The smart waterbenders turn the water into ice to prevent them from doing that. This move would totally ruin that tactic, so I found a solution for that. You can only use it for a certain amount of time + cooldown + charging time. All configurable! If you're using IceSkating and then fall into water you won't be able to use fastswim. You need to wait till the cool down is over then! Thanks to this, water benders can still use their freeze tactic to prevent players from swimming away!:D

SnowPeek: It makes a spike of snow. If someone lands on this spike, the fall damage will be reduced. (Configurable). If a waterbender falls on it, he/her won't get any fall damage at all. How it works:
Click on a water-bendable block. Smoke will appear. When you hold shift a spike of snow will appear as long as you hold shift. If you don't want the spike to disappear, click left mouse button again. The spike won't disappear but it won't reduce fall damage anymore. The spike will look like this:


~ Earth ~

RockGlove: This is used by the Dai Li in TLA. This is a bit complicated to explain. I'm not English so I hope you'll understand it:3 The Dai Le used gloves made of rocks to capture their opponents. To use this move you need to use EarthArmor first. This is what you're going to shoot at your opponent. To use this just click at your opponent. A block of stone will be shot at your opponent. When it hits your opponent, He'll get a leather tunic and leather boots on. He/she will get the slowness I/II/... effect (configurable) and he/she won't be able to use advanced moves. You're only able to use the following moves: Watermanipulation, IceSpike Blast, Earthblast, FireBlast, Blaze, AirBlast, SmokeScreen and HighJump (Chi is only able to used these moves since you Chi-Blockers use their hands to block someones Chi) The move will last as long as EarthArmor will last. The range and damage is configurable.

SandSpike: (Inspirated by MistPhizzle:3) This is similar to IceSpike but with sand. If you shift, spikes of sand will appear. When you click on an earth-bendable block a spike of sand will appear. So you see, this is similar to IceSpike. (You need to stand on sand to use this)

~ Fire ~

CircleBlock: This is used by Korra in the first episode. (See picture) When someone shoots FireBlast or FireBurst at you, you can block this using this ability. How to use: Hold shift till you see smoke. That's all actually! If you don't use this quickly, you're to late and you won't be able to block the move. The charging time is configurable.

Lighting add: (This isn't a move) When charging Lighting, blue firework particles should appear, since you see lighting while Azula is charing Lightning. (See picture) I think that would be awesome!!:D

~ Air ~

Done by jedk1: http://projectkorra.com/threads/wallrun-fire-earth-air-and-chi-versions.557/ TNX MAN!:)

AirPrison: When used, a dome of air will appear around your target. It looks like a ball of smoke Particles. The radius is 3 blocks. You're able to fire basic moves and attacks out of the prison. (See RockGloves) The prison will stay for (let's say) 6 seconds and then it'll disappear. Using any move to get out of the prison isn't possible. (Except for EarthTunnel) How to use: Hold shift while looking in any direction. Then click to create a prison of air. Everyone within a radius of 5 blocks will be sucked into the prison. You're not able to get out then till the prison disappears. As soon as you click with your left mouse button, you won't be able to move the prison.


I hope you like my ideas!:D
I hope some of my ideas will be added to PK!:) Please tell me when you do... I would love to hear:)
I appreciate any type of positive reactions and remember: Positive and useful feedback and commentary is always welcome!!:D
(as I mentioned before, I'm not English so sorry for the bad english...)
(All the moves are used in the series except for SandSpike and AirPrison)
- Finn
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Guys, I need some feedback and tips:3 Are there any moves underpowered or OP? Or is it just a bad idea(If yes, why?) Pls give some commentary or tip etc. :3


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I was thinking about this during school. Now I can concentrate again:p


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I was thinking about a better move for air... any inspiration? cause wall run isn't that good I think :p


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I also think water needs a new move. I'm not a fan of waterarms so that's the main reason why I made this :3


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Very nice and creative ideas. I especially like IceDisc because I never saw anything like it on the forums. Keep up the good work! :3


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Very nice and creative ideas. I especially like IceDisc because I never saw anything like it on the forums. Keep up the good work! :3
Tnx man! I'm glad to hear you like my ideas!:) And you're right about that. there isn't anything like isedisc. That's why I think it's the most creative idea of this thread and that's why I would love to see it added:) + water needs a new move! Your comment is a good reason why it should be icedisc :3
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