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Rename bloodbending

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Plugin Developer
Verified Member
I searched, couldn't find any thread like what I am going to suggest, if you find one, please leave a link so I can check it out. Now the title might throw you off, but I will explain. In the show the sub-element is called bloodbending. I think we should rename the actual move to bloodbend. My suggestion is we call it bloodgrip, because that is what they called it in the show. Please leave your thoughts in a post and Thank you for reading this.


Verified Member
I do like this as it accounts for more varients and uses of Blood Bending.

I think there should be multiple moves for Blood Bending.

Although I do not like the name 'Blood Grip'. I think Blood Manipulation would be a much better name. I think Blood Grip should be where the Blood Bender shifts at their target, and then they can click on any block within a limited and configurable radius, and that player will be pulled to that block and stay there for a set period of time.
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