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Denied Player Config

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Verified Member
I think that you should add a ''Player config''. And by that I mean a config that lets you change/add elements to players. Aswell as add/remove sub-elements.

So it would look something like this:

Player: (Player name)
Element: (Lets say he's an earthbender)
Metalbender: True/False
Lavabender: True/False

Player: (Player name)
Element: (Fire)
Combustionbender: True/False

And so on.

Adding something like that would make it much easier for small server owners who dosen't feel like downloading a bunch of other plugins, to just play with their friends, like me.
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Verified Member
I do like the idea that there is a option to give benders only the abilty for one subclass. Now benders can use all subclasses at the same time, something I've never seen a bender do in the shows, actually.


Staff member
Denied -- This is done with permissions and commands already. All data is stored in a database somewhere, whether it be the flatfile database or the MySQL database. In it, it has all of the basic information on a player.

That said, if you wanted to add Fire to someone who is already an Airbender, you can do so (if they are online) with /bending add [Player] Fire.

As far as specific abilities, this can be manipulated with permission nodes. If you don't want players to be able to use the Combustion ability, you can just take away the bending.ability.Combustion permission node.
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