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So I was doing a little rethinking on the move I suggested - FrostTornado - and here is what I have come up with.
Name: Blizzard
Elements: Water/Ice and Air
Pathway: Iceblast [L-Click snow/ice] > Tornado [L-Click] > Airburst [Shift > L-Click]
Description: What it does is it creates a tornado of snow that is wide, and when used surrounds the player it is being used on. This can be controlled by the user looking somewhere at the ground, or by looking at a player so that the blizzard surrounds the player they want. The victim of this attack suffers through slowness, and is inflicted damage over time. The reason I chose Airburst to use with it is to give it the type of violence that a blizzard has. When the player is inside, they will not be lifted off the ground. To give the combo a nice after effect, a trail of snow is left whereever the blizzard went.
Avatarstate: If the player uses this combo while in the avatarstate, width of the tornado is increased. Also if the victim is still alive after the attack, they are frozen in some ice.
Balance: To balance the combo out, there will be a time limit to how long you can use this combo for (Extended in avatarstate). Suggest other things to balance it out if you think it is not very balanced at the moment.
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