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1.5.0 BETA 16


Staff member
This build has some important bug fixes. We are still working on the new stuff, so we aren't throwing that into these builds quite yet! For now, enjoy the bug fixes.

  • General Changes
    • /bending give
      • Fixed a bug where /bending give [Player] GrapplingHook <# Of Uses> wasn't working.
    • AbilityModule Changes
      • Fixed minor issue with loading custom abilities.
  • Waterbending Changes
    • Bloodbending Changes
      • Added Config Option that makes Bloodbending usable during a full moon only.
      • Fixed a bug where users could Bloodbend during the day, regardless of what the config said.
  • Earthbending Changes
    • EarthBlast Changes
      • Fixed when using metal, the default damage of EarthBlast would go up by 2, and wouldn't set to the default again, so every single metal use with EarthBlast would make it 2x stronger.