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1.3.0 BETA 14


Staff member
It has been a few days, anyway, here goes another dev build. It actually has some substance to it. Enjoy!

  • General Changes
    • The bending.command.help permission node actually works. (AlexTheCoder)
    • All of the elements have been added to /bending help. (AlexTheCoder)
      • This will give some basic info on the elements. Use /bending help Air|Water|Earth|Fire|Chi or any of the appropriate aliases. Pretty cool stuff.
    • It is always day in the nether / end.
  • Firebending Changes
    • HeatControl will now extinguish the player as soon as they step out of the fire.
      • Reset the combustion part of your config to let it regenerate.
      • Lowered the default cooldown to 15 seconds as opposed to 25.
      • Removed the charge time. (With a cooldown that long, does it really need to charge)
      • To use, simply tap sneak and a beam of particles will extend from your head toward the targeted location. By default, it has the same range as AirBlast, but can be configured.
      • When the beam hits another block / mob, it creates an explosion. Instead of doing practically no damage, it does a set amount of damage (defaults to 2.5 hearts) to all players within a 4 block radius (configurable) of the explosion. The range / damage of the ability is manipulated by the day / night boosts and the Avatar State.
      • To sum it up, the move is much more fluid, usable, and destructive. Really fills in that super destructive ability that firebenders were missing.


Verified Member
nice! but why did you guys remove the heatcontroll thing that you nolonger can stand in fire without taking damage? or is it now configable? :s


Verified Member
ooooooh! i see what you did the with heatcontroll :p nvm its fine its kinda better now :3


Staff member
You wont take damage if using heat control while standing in fire as of this build.

Also, Combustion still is NOT done. We have some more tweaking to do, the ability is miles ahead of what it was though.


Verified Member
well i tried combustion and the cooldown is nice but shouldent it look more like a line? like in the series :p and mayby hold shift for like 1.5 sec to get that inhale moment and then fires away ^^ otherwise the damage is good, it might be a tiny bit faster and less hit box if thats do able :3 (you guys are making an amazing job btw :D)