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Search results

  1. Mist

    Denied Grappling hooks. (Yet again)

    You said you had made this thread before, therefore I am denying this one. One thread per suggestion is generally sufficient.
  2. Mist

    Bug Report Wont install or load into the server

    You MUST be using Java 7.
  3. Mist

    Fixed Bloodbending in avatarstate

    Not a bug. Because you can manipulate multiple entities at a time we don't want them going far into the air. (I believe this was initially a performance thing)
  4. Mist

    Suggestion New Items for airbenders

    No, I never said we were going to convert to a mod. You asked me whether or not there would be Forge compatibility in the future and I said there would be. At the very beginning of the project we expressed interest in creating a single player mod as well. I told you this was still quite a ways off.
  5. Mist

    Snow Day ^^

    Snow Day ^^
  6. Mist

    1.5.0 BETA 17

    Left click while in or over Water.
  7. Mist

    Fixed Combustion and FireBlast not working with Wordedit

    You're probably using a new version of WorldGuard, which is incompatible with the older ProjectKorra builds. You want to update to a recent PK Dev Build, or downgrade WorldGuard to anything below 6.0
  8. Mist

    1.5.0 BETA 17

    WaterWave is an addon to WaterSpout. Use /bending help WaterSpout for more information on how to create one, but essentially, with WaterSpout selected, left-click a water source, hold shift, release to form a wave. You'll have to talk to @Coolade, he's sort of our Combo guy. Quality over Quantity.
  9. Mist


    Yes -- Inside of your ProjectKorra folder (which is inside of the plugins folder), a folder named "Abilities" should be there. You can simply drop in any ability you download there into that folder and reboot your server.
  10. Mist

    Denied Player Config

    Denied -- This is done with permissions and commands already. All data is stored in a database somewhere, whether it be the flatfile database or the MySQL database. In it, it has all of the basic information on a player. That said, if you wanted to add Fire to someone who is already an...
  11. Mist

    Denied water ideas

    Denied, the post is extremely cluttered with ideas, with each of them being extremely vague.
  12. Mist

    Complete Bloodbending config to only work during a full moon.

    This has been done in the more recent dev builds!
  13. Mist

    1.5.0 BETA 17

    Here goes the first set of WaterCombos to be released. There will likely be more for 1.5.0, not promising anything though. This dev build was done completely by @Coolade! Airbending Changes AirCombo Changes Modified /b help AirCombo. (Better description for AirSweep) Waterbending Changes...
  14. Mist

    Complete Catapult Controlling

    I'm marking this as complete for the sake of cleaning up our suggestion forum. A little while back Earthbenders got the ability to tap sneak while Catapulting to only go up half the distance, thus making it a bit more controllable.
  15. Mist

    Tomorrow / Monday will be a great day for Waterbenders

    Tomorrow / Monday will be a great day for Waterbenders
  16. Mist

    1.5.0 BETA 16

    This build has some important bug fixes. We are still working on the new stuff, so we aren't throwing that into these builds quite yet! For now, enjoy the bug fixes. General Changes /bending give Fixed a bug where /bending give [Player] GrapplingHook <# Of Uses> wasn't working...
  17. Mist

    Fixed Firebending Not Working & Bending Remove Not Working

    I'd try updating to a recent version of ProjectKorra. WorldGuard v6 support is only included in the 1.5.0 builds!
  18. Mist

    11/14/2014 Weekly Update

    Hello all, here goes the first major weekly update in a few weeks. Just to address some confusion as to what this update entails, it is more of a status update instead of a new build being released. In this post I plan to discuss where the project is, where it is going, and what is going on in...
  19. Mist

    Denied New AvatarState

    This is impossible to do with Minecraft / Bukkit as it exists at this time.
  20. Mist

    So many suggestions to look at :O

    So many suggestions to look at :O