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  1. Hero

    Complete Support for the Residence Protection Plugin

  2. Hero

    Denied Waterbending - WaterDome

    How about that fact that it protects your from all sides? Adding a breaking feature to Surge would mess it up since it's only protecting one side to begin with. Sorry to break it to you, but if an IceShield existed, it wouldnt benefit anyone. The waterbender would be stuck and whoever he's...
  3. Hero

    [Deleted] ProjectKorra Mobs

    This can word this mods so even modded mobs have bending powas?
  4. Hero

    Denied Fire and Earth Charge

    MistPhizzle got rid of a few developers for being unprofessional
  5. Hero

    Denied Fire and Earth Charge

    Arent you supposed to be professional? You've be spamming my notification box with useless comments and replies.
  6. Hero

    Denied Fire and Earth Charge

    Not all
  7. Hero

    Denied Fire and Earth Charge

    no body is good with sarcasm when its aimed at someone.
  8. Hero

    Denied Fire and Earth Charge

    What would be a "charging tier" system like and how would it work.
  9. Hero

    Denied Waterbending - WaterDome

    Then it will be config.
  10. Hero

    Denied Fire and Earth Charge

    Good, now that we got that of the way, why dont you help me actually make this good -_-
  11. Hero

    Improved Tornado

    That little cooldown gets extremely overwhelming very fast.
  12. Hero

    Denied Fire and Earth Charge

    I mean if you just click, it would do all that much damage. As in removing fire damage. Charging it would then activate the fire
  13. Hero

    Denied Fire and Earth Charge

    I meant for this move specifically.
  14. Hero

    Denied Fire and Earth Charge

    Don't like big text? Deal with it! We should add a system where if you hold shift for a certain amount of time, a bigger more powerful version of whatever move will appear. For example, just clicking with fireblast should do little damage (Or get rid of fire damage). When you hold shift for...
  15. Hero

    Improved Tornado

    Eh, this kinda sounds like a timed airspout. I liked it up until you said you can use moves on it which is a very bad pet pev of mine with airbenders. Airbenders dont of much of a cooldown on a majority of their moves.
  16. Hero

    Torrent Redirection.

    Im not saying it should be the same as watermanipulation. If anything, it should be just shift at the right time and control it look normal. All this extra rotating and functions is too much.
  17. Hero

    Denied Waterbending - WaterDome

    It gets bigger at night and the full moon.
  18. Hero

    What's The Deal With Steambending?

    Who is saying we own the plugin? No one. You don't own it either so stop acting like you do.
  19. Hero

    What's The Deal With Steambending?

    Now you are just throwing crap into the air.
  20. Hero

    Torrent Redirection.

    You do know that some people's mouse gets jacked up when doing turns. It would be simple of we just needed to hold shift and shoot. I don't understand why everyone is setting limits and forming all these weird ideas on redirecting torrents. We can redirect water manipulation as it is and no one...