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  1. Finn_Bueno_

    [Deleted] OnePunchStance

    Everyday we stray further from God.
  2. Finn_Bueno_

    Ability works in one axis only

    That's not how sin works. Anyway, for what you're trying you're gonna have to look into 'rotation', a complex part of particle animations, especially for someone who just started. https://www.spigotmc.org/threads/rotating-particle-effects.166854/ I advise to start with something simpler. The...
  3. Finn_Bueno_

    Ability works in one axis only

    First off tell me, what effect are you trying to achieve?
  4. Finn_Bueno_

    Airswipe blocks airswipe

    Then don't comment. Good point, but I think a config option is/would be better. :P
  5. Finn_Bueno_


    That's the spirit! ;) Also I didn't notice you're a concept designer up until now, I like seeing concept designers learning programming. It's always better to have some knowledge of what your 'colleagues' work on.
  6. Finn_Bueno_


    So I saw someone commented it lags a lot, and since this using a little more 'complicated' spawning of particles, I figured I'd try to help you. So there are 2 main problems I see. (In no way bashing your code, just a fellow programmer trying to help you improve). First thing is this method...
  7. Finn_Bueno_

    Which Ability needs to better focused on?

    Yes it does? Just click on the ground to see if there is air underneath. I've found hidden treasures with that feature.
  8. Finn_Bueno_

    Which Ability needs to better focused on?

    Tremorsense also allows you to find caves.
  9. Finn_Bueno_


  10. Finn_Bueno_

    Bending Game (Open for name suggestions)

    About ability range. It's set in lifetime instead of range. So an ability for example lives for 0.5 seconds. :)
  11. Finn_Bueno_


    Simply use grapple and look slightly away from the cable. I'll put it in the description later.
  12. Finn_Bueno_

    Bending Game (Open for name suggestions)

    Thanks! I'll be sure to ask if I need any ;)
  13. Finn_Bueno_

    Bending Game (Open for name suggestions)

    Added some more info to the thread ;)
  14. Finn_Bueno_

    Bending Game (Open for name suggestions)

    You see, the animation is not the problem. I can fiddle around with that until I get a good effect. The actual selection though, that is the problem. In minecraft, the world is created from blocks. You select a block, and you use that to bend. In a non-blocky game however, what would determine...
  15. Finn_Bueno_


    As my last response, this video perfectly illustrates what I mean.
  16. Finn_Bueno_


    And my answer to your suggestion is no, simple as that. And it makes sense I sound a bit rude. If someone works hard on making something and someone asks/tells them to throw it away and remake it in some other way because "they don't like it", that can piss off the author quite a bit.
  17. Finn_Bueno_


    You have no idea how abilities are registered. From the top of my head that would require hacky solutions (hacking into PK's source code which would have the PK devs scratch their heads over if it's allowed or not) + that's even more work than rewriting it. This is how I designed the ability to...
  18. Finn_Bueno_


    No. Why? Because 1) it requires throwing the whole project away and rewriting it and 2) I'm not going to rewrite a project simply because "you don't like multiabilities". That's a pretty selfish reason if you ask me.
  19. Finn_Bueno_

    Bending Game (Open for name suggestions)

    Question 1: What is the best way for users to move and cast abilities, and what is the best view option? There are a few options. Movement: Exactly the same as minecraft, WASD for movement, mouse motion for rotation and other buttons for casting. Look in the direction of the mouse, W moves...
  20. Finn_Bueno_

    Bending Game (Open for name suggestions)

    Hello people! This thread should serve as a place to post latest progress on a small bending experiment I'm working on, a game which allows you to bend! :) It's nothing big, just something for fun. On here I plan to post progress and calls for suggestions when I don't know what's the best...