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  1. Carbogen

    ABANDONED PKComboModuleAPI - PKComboModuleAPI

    I've worked all afternoon into creating this, but at last here is the first release! ProjectKorra ComboModule API What does it do? Brace yourselves! With this plugin you may create Combo Abilities!!! How does it work? You'll need to know Java as you'd need for any add-on... It's really just a...
  2. Carbogen


    Carbogen submitted a new resource: PKComboModuleAPI - An API for custom combo abilities. Read more about this resource...
  3. Carbogen

    [API] PKComboModule (Create Combo Abilities)

    The API goes in /plugins/ and any combos for it go into the new /ProjectKorra/Combos/ folder.
  4. Carbogen

    11/21/14 - Weekly Community Update

    The CustomComboAPI was recreated in the Resources section of these forums. Here is a link: http://projectkorra.com/resources/pkcombomoduleapi.29/ Thanks @MistPhizzle !
  5. Carbogen

    [API] PKComboModule (Create Combo Abilities)

    This thread was moved to: http://projectkorra.com/resources/pkcombomoduleapi.29/ Please allow one day for the new link to be approved. :)
  6. Carbogen

    1.5.0 BETA 18

    Yes it can :)
  7. Carbogen

    1.5.0 BETA 18

  8. Carbogen

    1.5.0 BETA 18

    Okay so about LavaSurge, yes, it's not meant to be that way. I made the HUGE mistake of using the "Radius" configuration file variable. This variable existed with the old LavaSurge, and its old value messes the new one up. If you intend to use this new LavaSurge, please CHANGE THE CONFIG...
  9. Carbogen

    [Part of JedCore] LavaFlux [Deleted]

    You'll need to download it again I'm afraid :P
  10. Carbogen

    [Part of JedCore] LavaFlux [Deleted]

    I've noticed that too. I'm currently unsure what causes this, so for the moment this bug will not be resolved.
  11. Carbogen

    Eruption [Deleted]

    Carbogen updated Eruption with a new update entry: Eruption Read the rest of this update entry...
  12. Carbogen

    Eruption [Deleted]

    Thanks, I just realized something important! I never knew, but nextInt(number) is exclusive (up to and not including number.) So basically it was going from 0 to 0, and crashing. I changed the line to waves = random.nextInt(maxwaves) + 1; And it worked. This also explained why I never saw a 5...
  13. Carbogen

    Eruption [Deleted]

    Hey Joeri, I found the line of code the error is coming from. However, it should not be giving any errors... That line goes like this: waves = random.nextInt(maxwaves - 1) + 1; Where waves is an integer, maxwaves is the number from the config, and random.nextInt(integer) gives you a random...
  14. Carbogen

    Fissure [Deleted]

    http://dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/permissionsex/ It's a little complicated to start out with, but it's a really solid permissions plugin. Just a note: NEVER edit the permissions.yml file directly! It's very easy to mess up PEx through that. Just familiarize yourself with the in-game commands...
  15. Carbogen

    Fissure [Deleted]

    Depends on your permissions plugin... For PermissionsEx: /pex user <yourname> add bending.ability.Fissure For GroupManager: /manuaddp <yourname> bending.ability.Fissure (I think, I don't use Group Manager myself, so someone please correct me if this is wrong.)
  16. Carbogen

    Fissure [Deleted]

    You don't bind Fissure to any slot, and you certainly don't bind both Shockwave AND Eruption to one single slot ;) Bind them to nearby-slots, such as 5 and 6. Here's a scenario: Shockwave on slot 5, Eruption on slot 6... Switch to slot 5, Sneak (hold it down). LeftClick. Switch to Slot 6...
  17. Carbogen

    [API] PKComboModule (Create Combo Abilities)

    Yes, Fissure is not an ability alone. You must bind Shockwave and Eruption and use them both to create the fissure. ;) Just bind them both to your hotbar on different slots and follow the combination: Shockwave.ShiftDOWN, Shockwave.LeftClick, -SwitchToEruption-, Eruption.ShiftUP.
  18. Carbogen

    Eruption [Deleted]

    Please make sure you are running Java 7 and that you have properly installed the addon in /plugins/ProjectKorra/Abilities/
  19. Carbogen

    Fissure [Deleted]

    Make sure you're giving the time for PK to register the combo... I have trouble using it myself when I rush through the steps. Sneak down on shockwave, click after 1 second. Wait for the particles to appear before you switch to eruption (gives PK some time). Then, release your sneak key...
  20. Carbogen

    Fissure [Deleted]

    From what I know of PermissionsEx, you'll be using the /pex command. Something like: /pex user <name> add bending.ability.Fissure Or, if you want to add this permission to a group: /pex group Member create /pex group Member add bending.ability.Fissure If the ability itself doesn't work after...